Lv 5, 1083 Heping Road, Lo Wu, Shenzhen, China
736 Fujing Rd, Qiaonan St, Panyu District, China
Trusted by global brands

The only way to evaluate and optimise your your marketing dollar in China is to uncover all the competitive data

Understand your market and target audience
Know the market and your competitors social media activities and marketing strategy in real time including brand, influencer content and dark content, something that you cannot easily discover.

Maximise your influencer marketing in China and ROI
Influencer marketing is the one of the most important marketing strategies in China. It's wisely used in different social media channels and ways including live streaming. With AI powered social media intelligence, it helps marketers to optimise their influencer marketing campaign at ease.

Monitor your competitors in real time and discover your unique value preposition
Comprehensive social media data provides you the information you need to evaluate your marketing campaign and discover the whitespaces in competition.
We turn competitive social media intelligence into actionable insight
Big Data
Vfluencer has been monitoring the most popular social media platforms in China and collecting billions data points.
Real Time
Data efficiency is critical when you select a social listening tool. Vfluencer's monitoring engine runs 24 hours.
Vfluencer provides all the analytics that brands need to evaluate the marketing and to identify the market whitespaces.